Sunday, December 20, 2009

She's Getting Big!!

Here are a few of the latest pictures we've taken.  Lauren is 6 and a half months old and eats baby foods.  She can crawl and is starting to make sounds similar to words!  She acts like her own little person now and makes just about every facial expression possible.  She's almost 28 inches long and weighs about 17lbs.  We just took family photos for the first time so everybody can expect to get them sometime in January!  Merry Christmas everyone.

Auntie Ashley's clothes make me look like a big girl!!

My favorite snow hat

My Squadron's 2009 Christmas party

First snow of the year
Carrots for the first time

Always on the phone...

I freakin love my bouncer!

Fat face :)



Me and my sippy cup

Watching "Elf" with Mommy

Whatcha lookin at!!

Our friend Amanda took this picture with her phone and edited it.  It's a little old but still a good one.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

German House Spiders

A little video to show how big the spiders are at our house!!

Halloween and More

These are the latest pictures of Lauren and her first Halloween.  Unfortunately I got very sick and had to stay at home this year : (  Lauren is 5 months old today and just keeps growing!  She can roll all over the floor, she has full conversations with us (in her baby talk lol), and she now sleeps through the night (most of the time).  She is eating rice cereal twice a day and we're about to switch her to formula so that we can get a babysitter one of these days!  Everything is going pretty good here, I just completed 4 years of Active Duty Service (which means a raise yay!) and after Monday I will have finally completed my Associate's Degree!!  I actually have more time for school and studying becuase we don't really go anywhere, we just watch a lot of movies and cook at home.

Mommy and Lauren before going Trick-r-Treatin'

She is a Pink Ice Monster :)

She couldn't really move around in it but it was super cute

Lauren and her friend Audrey at the Community Center before Trick-r-Treatin'

Lauren likes her personal space! lol

Super awesome jumper!!

What's more fun than a cow, frog and a boat?

Lauren ejoying her favorite book "Bubbles, Bubbles!"

Movie Time!!  Baby Einstein keeps me focused

Relaxing after work

Ready to ride!

Crying because she can!!

Aftermath of a tantrum, she looks so sad :(

Killing time

Loving my Bumbo seat

Lauren's first sippy cup

Fun with static electricity

My family :)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lauren at the Zoo!! As well as some randoms : )

Here are some pictures of Lauren's first trip to the Kaiserslautern Zoo.  Unfortunately it was more of a glorified petting zoo. Needless to say we still had a wonderful time : ) We also added lots of pictures of Lauren, Jill and myself just purely for your enjoyment so LEAVE US SOME COMMENTS! We love to hear from everyone. Also Lauren will be 4 months old on Thursday and has her routine well baby check-up the following friday. Sad to say she'll have to get some more shots as well : (

Sleepy Tiger...

Some gorgeous girls at the zoo :)

An oversized pot belly pig

Crazy enough you could baisically walk up to the animal cages, we were surprised at the lack of security throughout the zoo

Me and Lauren by the camel section, as you can see there were no fences, I guess they just stay where they're supposed to

Lauren seeing a llama for the first time

Playing with baby goats for the first time!

After a short day at the zoo

Fist time eating rice cereal yummy!

Lauren's new Bumbo Babee seat!

Our little sweetheart

Happy Picture!!

Both of us giving that questionable look lol!

Just waking up with Mommy ;)