Monday, August 17, 2009

This Crazy life of ours...

Sorry it has taken me so long to post new pictures of Lauren. This week has been incredibly hectic and stressful for the both of us. I am trying to settle Lauren into a new routine and it's hard when she tells me how much she loves and misses her Daddy every day! : ) Nana Coleen is coming back to Germany on Friday to help smooth out the time when Nate is away so the extra help is much needed and greatly appreciated! Gotta love that Nana : ) I have been trying to push Lauren to love tummy time more so that she can develop her motor skills even quicker than she already has. So far she can roll over, reach and grab toys, follow you with her eyes all over the room, and even giggle too ( although mostly in her sleep! ) Here are some pictures of our journey through her early childhood development lol Enjoy!

Mommmmm stop taking photos of me!

Enjoying her musical fish tank and falling asleep

Tuckered out : )

Pretty little thing!

Someone isn't getting enough sleep : )

I don't want to play anymore!!!

Not always the sweetest little thing is she? lol

pretty in her popsicle dress : )

Those eyes melt my heart!!!

Beautiful as usual : )

Are you looking at me?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Our last day with Daddy..

Okay, Nate left for Iceland on Saturday morning so from now on it's just Lauren and I for almost two months...Geesh pretty scary! Here are some random pictures of Lauren being held like Super Woman by her Nana, cute pictures of her in a adorable pink and white checkered jumper courtesy of Aunt Missy : ) and Lauren's last picture with her daddy before he left : ( Enjoy!!