Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New Ultrasound Pictures @ 13 weeks and 4 days

The famous fetal position, plus it's a great shot of the little spine!

Side view of baby kicking mommy already, and those are its tiny toes. The pictures look kinda weird and blurry here but when they're moving around the ultrasound machine you see thousands of these pictures and they look amazing!

Another side profile showing the baby's knees and part of the baby's spine again. His/her heart rate is now a perfect 153bpm which is a lot slower than the 170bpm at 8weeks 3days!

Here is an overhead view looking directly down. The two black lobes are the developing brain and you can almost see the face :)

This is a side view of the same shot from above. This shows more of the facial, neck and chest bone structure. The white dot is our baby punching mommy!


Deanne said...

Awww....you guys are gona be great parents. And Jill looks so cute with her baby bump :) I think it's gona be a boy. I can't wait to see you guys 13 more days! xoxo

Coleen Paulsen said...

That's right!! My grandbaby... :D I'm thinking it's a boy, too. Better start picking out names. What do you think of Buster??? LOL I'm still rooting for Coleen for a little girl!

Love to you both,