Tuesday, March 31, 2009

***Crazy Stuff***

We got the baby pictures we wanted today along with some cool video clips of Lauren hanging out in the belly ;-) Keep in mind the 3D/4D computer rendition of the ultrasound works at a very slow speed so much of the videos are completely blurred during major movement (ultrasound machines aren't built with supercomputers unfortunately). The enhancement only works for a small area then the image is "pulled" similar to looking at an image on a sphere up close, the front will appear normal whereas the sides will taper quickly distorting image. She rarely looked directly at the machine so almost all of the videos were taken using technology that allows a computer to produce rapid pictures using the information read from ultrasound waves that oscillate from the side of the machine (this would make her right eye look a large bulging ball until she turned towards the "camera"). So enjoy this! It was NOT cheap lol!!

Lauren yawning on the side of Jill's belly :)


Coleen Paulsen said...

My little girl! She looks sooo cute smiling for the camera. What incredible pictures AND videos. Yup, got them saved on my computer and forever keepsakes. Thanks for doing this Nate and Jill. It's really wonderful!!! Love, Mum

Casey said...

Wow, I can't believe the change in technology between the time I had kids and now. That is so awesome that you can see Lauren before she is even born. Your pictures of Germany are beautiful. Thanks for doing this blog for your far away family. Have a blessed day! Love, Bart and Casey