Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lauren and My Trip to Iceland

Here are the newest pictures of Lauren, Jillian and I.  I also added some photos from my TDY to Iceland, enjoy!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Has it already been almost 2wks since I last schnuggled your little cheeks, Lauren?? Oh, I MISS you all! Can't tell you enough how hard it was to leave there and your warm hugs. Jill, it was so much fun just hanging out with little one (even if she was a wee bit cranky with all that teething :-}...and your make a mean coffee cake! I'm sad I missed your 24th birthday AND your arrival home from Iceland, and by just hours!!! Yup, saving my pennies for another trip as soon as I can. Save a carmel macchiato for me... (is that how you spell it?) I love you, Mom